My Contributions:
Thursday 3/30/17: De-Install Neil Chaput’s Chasing Time: One Room School Houses exhibition;
packaging art work, packing crate for MAGDA
Friday 3/31/17: Continuing with De-Install
Maintenance, Painting Walls, created an artist’s checklist, Accepted Art work
from student Artists and verified on checklist, Complied/Organized/Alphabetized
an Artist Exhibition List
Monday 4/3/17: Created vinyl signage (2) one
with names, one with show title, finished exhibition list
Wednesday 4/5/17: Helped begin to Repair walls
with putty again, Installed Vinyl Signs
Thursday 4/6/17: Fixed Lighting Issues, Vacuum
Tuesday 4/11/17: Created Binder Cover’s Front &
Back, Created/Organized Binder: Exhibition List, Gazette Article-Reformatted
for Binder, Created an Official Press Release; Printed and Stapled Press
Release for visitors and students, displayed on pedestal outside of gallery;
Cleaned up office 😊
Tuesday 4/18/17: Plan to document the exhibition
with photographs, maybe mop tile floor
Thursday 4/20/17: Vacuum Gallery, Prep for Show,
replace ceiling tiles? work/attend reception
Also, I hope to help de-install during Finals
week if applicable
The biggest challenge for me was
working with a group. I feel everyone had their own jobs to do and if an
opportunity arose to help somewhere else or help someone else complete a task,
I was constantly told no that it wasn’t ‘their job’ or ‘responsibility’ or ‘part
of their group’. It is frustrating to have many tasks going on all at once and
then you are left feeling like you have more than anyone else to do. I helped
with what I knew and could do and I picked up certain tasks that were not
addressed. Overcoming this challenge is just like any other job, you learn to
deal with it and still conduct yourself with a professional disposition. I was
part of the de-install and install team and I wasn’t able to help with the
actual install of art work as much because I was helping with creating signage
and the exhibition list. I did install the signage once it was printed and I
helped with many repairs in the gallery space.
If I were to help with the Student
Juried Show in the future I would help create a written definite organized plan
which people could refer to for jobs and what’s needed to be done, a check in/out
sheet, a daily task list. It would be vital to go over with the install team
how to properly use certain materials while installing and how to find the
center line (IT ISN’T Easy At FIRST). I would also make sure groups were
communicating amongst each other because in the end we are all working towards
the same goal: THE EXHIBITION. Some groups had more work to do than others which
means other groups could lend a helping hand where others may fall short. If we
are a team lets be there for one another, it takes a team to run a team.
Excellent work, Shayla. Thanks for all you do. Also, if you are looking for work this summer, let's talk. I could use someone to help with drafting some guides and hours would be flexible . . . please let me know.